ASORES Ltd provides assistance to boarding school and accommodation of students. Within the boarding houses, International diversity is celebrated and shared. Within this rich mix of people, students come to see themselves as global citizens who enjoy getting to understand different cultures. Living together at UK school boarding, they engage with each other’s language, food and traditions as part of daily life. Past students often remark on how much they appreciated having the opportunity to learn firsthand about life in other countries.
International students can board at UK from year 7 (age11+). The younger boarders live in smaller, family oriented houses, whilst our sixth form students board in larger houses with more independence. Some of the Upper Sixth Students live ‘semi independent’ in small houses, giving them some experience of living on their own and providing an excellent foundation for university life.

English language Development
For many students who come to the UK. Learning to communicate in English is their top priority. They may wish to prepare for further education or simply want to have the language for use in their future life. At UK International Schooling it is important that the students we accept have a standard of English that allows them to integrate in to the school community and participate fully in school life. This, in turn, allows communicators who are fluent in English. To study International Boarding (IB) at UK as an International student a minimum English level of C1 is required. For A Levels the minimum level required is B2.
Facilities Provided for International Boarding Students (IB)
Boarding Houses for Students
Upper Sixth students have their own study or bedroom, or share with another student. Some students like to study in their rooms, whereas others use the library. On the whole, though, the houses are homes places to relax and socialize and share experiences.
Each house house has a comfortable common room with TV, DVD and games console, WiFi and a small student Kitchen. A Housemaster/Housemistress is responsible for looking after the students’ welfare and ensuring that life in the house is a good humoured experience that students will look back on with fondness.
Food, Glorious Food
Students enjoy a wide variety of tastes and flavors from around the world. The menus set by the UK Schools are varied and delicious, providing students with a high quality diet that is balanced, healthy and full of fresh local ingredients.
Health Centre
Schools have their own Health Centre on campus staffed by a team of highly experienced nurses. Local doctors hold surgeries at the school twice a week and students can choose to see a male or female doctor.
Outside the classroom
At Schools in UK are lucky to have an excellent urban and rural location and top class facilities for sport, arts, crafts and environmental studies, as well as links with local community groups, charities and business. Activities run at lunchtime, after school, after supper and into the evening, as well as at weekends.
With over 100 extracurricular activities ranging from archery to trampolining, maths club to hill walking, Schools make sure that their students have plenty of opportunities to try new things as well as developing existing interests. There is plenty going on outside school too, with field trips, gallery and museum visits, International Exchanges, music tours, lectures and sports.
The United Kingdom is generally a safe place with low levels of crime. But whenever you travel to a new country it is vital that you look after yourself.
ASORES Ltd strongly recommends that you read the British Council’s creating confidence guide. This guide is designed for international students, and covers essential advice about staying safe in the UK.
The safety first guide also has lots of safety advice for visitors to the UK.
In an emergency, dial 999 to contact the police, fire brigade or ambulance. This call is free of charge from any UK phone and network but should only be used in an emergency.
If you need to report a crime or an incident that is not an emergency, dial 101, or ask someone at your school, college or university to contact your local police station for you.
For more advice about staying safe while you are out in the evenings and at night, take a look at UK Student nightlife: Top tips on staying safe- there is a lot more advice here to make sure you have a safe and happy experience while you’re in the UK.